Light Beer Documentation

This documentation is provided for the fulfillment of requirements in LMC6650 - Digital Craft.

  • Click the image above to download documentation package

Package Contents:

  • Arduino code
  • Measurement data
  • Photographs: Circuitry, soldering and testing; Equipment; Initial brewing session; Data measurements; Prototyping; Taste testing, Personal brewing session
  • Presentations: Critical Making by Matt Ratto; Initial Crafter Session; Concept Presentation, Project Update, Project Reflection
  • Video: Air Pump Tests; Water Pump Tests; Final Prototype (Closeup, Dark, Light), Final Video Documentation
  • Written Documentation: IRB and Consent Forms; Crafter Followup Questions; Brewer Feedback


Light Beer is the result of a semester-long collaboration with an expert crafter. It focused on the practice of beer brewing, with the objective of producing a “digital intervention” at some stage of the process. While there were many opportunities to pursue utilitarian or technologically driven artifacts, the most compelling interactions stemmed from the emotional and personal connections of the crafter to their work. The project called upon established reflective and critical practices in order to develop an artifact that would represent these more sentimental motivations within the crafting community.